2021 OWPA Schedule Posted
Good Morning Coaches and Referees,
I have created a 2021 state schedule document for both coaches and referees to reference re: events, matches, and assignments.
Access the 2021 OWPA Master Scheduler HERE
Please note there is a copy of the state tournament schedule on a second tab at the bottom. This will be updated as best I can.
A few things of note from a competition standpoint:
Friday, August 6th - Sunday, August 8th is OPEN
Friday, August 13th - Sunday, August 15th is OPEN
Friday, October 1 - Sunday, October 3
Fri - St. Charles JV / Sat - UA Duals (Columbus)
Fri - Sat - Courtney Fisher Girls (Napoleon)
Fri - Sun - St. Xavier Tournament (Cincinnati)
Some deliverables I need from you when you finalize:
GAME TIMES for dual matches (e.g. 4/5/6/7 or 5/6/7/8:15)
GAME ORDER for dual matches (e.g. GJV / BJV / GV / BV)
DATES for Events you are hosting (I generically set them all for Fri - Sun)
Dates of dual matches listed at the bottom of the master schedule (I put the combinations I thought you might use)
Dual matches you will not be completing