April 15, 2021

Referee Reminders

I hope this WOW finds you and your loved ones well. As we enter into the last few weeks of the season, just a couple reminders.

  • All of the remaining games, just like the ones before them, are important.

  • All of our rules are important.

  • Doing our jobs well is important.

Free Throws

Make certain that we as referees observe the free throw, paying attention to what both the offense AND the defense are doing while also attending to the other player pairs in our coverage area. Before advancing with the ball or improving the angle of attack, the ball must be put in play clearly and free from interference by the defense.


Remember that we have changed a couple of our mechanics. At the start of each quarter, referees are to start at their respective 6-meter lines to help ensure that each team is lined up correctly. The signal for a foul committed outside the 6-meter line is now a hand raised in the air. When we issue a “walking yellow card” we must re-issue it at the next stoppage to ensure that the coach realizes they have received it, as well as the opposing coach, our partner and the desk.

Penalty Shots

Endeavour to be consistent on how you administer a penalty shot. Always make sure:

  • The shooter is on the 5-meter line and does not sneak in before shooting.

  • The players to the sides and behind the shooter are AT LEAST 2-meters away.

  • The goalkeeper is not beyond the goal line and does not sneak out prior to your whistle.

Thank you all for your hard work this season and for doing what it took to be on deck, allowing games happen. Continue to do your job, do it well and enjoy the remainder of the season. As always, more to come…

Amber Drury NCAA National Coordinator of Water Polo Official


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