OWPRA - Fostering the development of water polo officials.

Referee Corner

Referee Corner has quick reference links for referees to check assignments, compensation, the current season’s schedule, and file incident reports.

Film Room

Water Polo training and education is an important part of referee development. There are a bevy of videos, tutorials, and game clips to help all stakeholders deepen their knowledge base.

Join Our Team

OWPRA is a group of dedicated referees working together to continue to support the sport we love while enjoying the camaraderie of the challenge many people shy away from.


As a part of fostering the development of water polo officials, OWPRA has provided many resources for referee development. Documents for game management, referee development, and instructional videos can be found here.

“I’ve met some of my closest friends refereeing water polo, and I genuinely root for their success on and off the deck. OWPRA is hands down a first-class organization.”

— Chad Packer, Supervisor of Officials